The Drawing Arm

TDA Trend Forecast 2024

In the ever-evolving realm of visual arts, The Drawing Arms trend forecast for 2024 paints a vibrant picture of creativity, innovation, and a resurgence of community-focused expressions. Here’s our top five picks.

Murals & Public Art //

A Resurgence in Art-forward Placemaking

2024 will witness a resurgence of murals and public art, serving as tools for storytelling and wayfinding. New artists, including Loretta Lizzio, Christina Huyn, Brentos, Bronte Neylor, and Alex Sugar, join The Drawing Arm's accomplished muralists for exciting projects.

See more Murals & Public Art

Collaborative Efforts //

Commercial Illustrators & AI Bots

Commercial illustrators embrace collaboration with AI, utilizing tools within Adobe Photoshop and platforms such as MidJourney and Stable Diffusion. The synergy of human expertise with AI enhances efficiency and introduces a sense of experimentation and enjoyment into the creative process.

See more from AI Artists

Nostalgic Aesthetics
with a Modern Twist //

Reflecting on cult images of the past to generate new emblems for the future

Artists seamlessly blend nostalgic aesthetics with modern elements, creating a visual language that resonates across diverse audiences.

This fusion of old and new aims to evoke emotions and spark thoughtful reflections.

See more from Aleksandra Apaza

Mixed Media &
Hybrid Techniques //

Breaking Boundaries

2024 heralds a period of boundary-breaking creativity with the rise of mixed media and hybrid techniques. Artists experiment with the convergence of various mediums, challenging traditional artistic norms and engaging viewers in novel ways.

See more from Ben Fearnley

Augmented Reality //

Bringing Images to Life

Explore a new dimension of artistic expression as augmented reality (AR) brings images to life. AR integration adds dynamic layers to creations, transforming the audience's relationship with artwork and blurring the lines between the digital and physical worlds.

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